International Yoga Day

As narrated by Kriyaban Shri Hrishikesh Ambaye:
Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Yoga Foundation Celebrates International Day of Yoga on a grand scale
Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Yoga Foundation, led by Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshda celebrated the International Day of Yoga in a jam packed auditorium in Mumbai. World famous dignitaries like Padmashri Dhanraj Pillay, Mr. Madhukar Talwalkar, Dr. VN Shrikhande, Dr. Jagannathrao Hegde and Mr. Uday Deshpande were the Guests of Honour at this mega event.
The program started with the traditional lighting of the lamp with Sadguruji inviting the dignitaries on stage to light the lamp. A montage depicting Sadguruji’s practice, teaching of Yoga for more than 45 years to all stratas of the society, of all religions and spreading it worldwide through its 89 centres as well as the various social activities of the Foundation was shown and appreciated by all.
A dance ballet “Infinity” performed by the members of the Foundation which depicted the evolution of dance, blend of Eastern and Western world. Through the various yogic dance forms it gave the message that we all are one.

The Foundation also presented a ballet on yoga “Yes, I Can; Yes, We Can” which included senior citizens and two wonder kids Mahima and Shubham, which showed that the present generation if guided on the right path and with the practice of Yoga will become better citizens and make our Country proud. This ballet included 8 Asanas performed by senior citizens including Suryanamaskar while the kids demonstrated 25 Asanas. This ballet was the highlight and was recently shown in TV channels also. The above two ballets were directed, scripted and choreographed by Sadguruji, a famous Kathak dancer himself.
Dr. VN Shrikhande, an eminent Surgeon and retired HoD of Surgery at Bombay Hospital was felicitated by Sadguruji for his valuable contribution in the field of medicine. Dr. Shrikhande, in his over 50 years of practice, mentioned how important the practice of Yoga is in our daily life. It not only helps us to be physically healthy but more importantly it helps us to be mentally fit and lead a healthy life free from diseases. He praised Sadguru Mangeshda’s efforts in uniting people and spreading Kriya Yoga across the globe and promoting World Peace.
The renowned Hockey International Padmashri Dhanraj Pillay was the Chief Guest of the function who felicitated Sadguru Mangeshda for his contribution to Kriya Yoga and for the various social activities.

Sadguru Mangeshda, an epitome of fitness, personally demonstrated various Asanas, Pranayams and Meditation techniques which a householder can practice it and include it in their daily routine. He also gave various tips on our eating habits and how by making simple changes in our lifestyle, we can lead a healthy life. He explained how Kriya Yoga is an ancient yet scientific five-fold path.
This was followed by felicitation of Dr. Jagannathrao Hegde, ex Sheriff of Mumbai as well as Mr. Madhukar Talwalkar who both spoke on the importance of Yoga. Mr. Madhukar Talwalkar, 82 years of age and synonymous with fitness not just spoke on fitness but also performed pushups on stage and mentioned that he still practices in his gym daily for at least two hours a day. No wonder he defies his age and looks into his early sixties.
Sadguru Mangeshda, Mr. Dhanraj Pillay and Mr. Madhukar Talwalkar discussed various aspects, their life experiences and how Yoga, fitness, focus and commitment helped each one to reach the ultimate and be the best in the World. It was very interesting, motivating experience which was appreciated by the audience.
Body building and posing show by superbly sculpted body builders (gents and a lady) from the Talwalkars Gym showed how by discipline and regular exercising one can achieve a great body which is a sight to watch.

It was then the turn from the visually challenged girls from Kamla Mehta School for the blind who demonstrated rope Mallakhamb exercises. These girls performed extremely difficult Asanas on the rope with such ease and co-ordination. It was fabulous and a treat for our eyes. These visually challenged children do not need pity but an opportunity to perform which was provided by Sadguru Mangeshda and the Foundation for which they were grateful.
A princess from a village in Cameroon (Africa), presented Sadguruji with a flag of her country and invited Sadguruji to come to Cameroon and spread Kriya Yoga.
The highlight of the evening was the completion of ‘Sankalp’ by Sadguru Mangeshda to perform -100,008 Suryanamaskars within 20 days. Sadguruji along with Mr. Dhanraj Pillay, Trustees, children and some members from the audience came together on the stage and completed the sankalp. Sadguruji explained the importance of Suryanamaskar as well as the importance of 21st June.
He also mentioned that he was very pleased with the initiative taken by our respected Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi during his speech at the United Nations Assembly when he appealed to the World to celebrate 21st June as INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA. Sadguruji also mentioned that Yoga being one of the gifts to the world, by the above gesture of our Prime Minister will ensure that millions across India and the World will unitedly come together to celebrate this day, which he is very proud of.