Janmashtami Mahasatsang 2024

Aug 30, 2024

Glimpses of the Janmashtami Mahasatsang, on 26th Aug 2024, Mumbai, in the divine presence of HH Sadguru Yogiraj Dr. Mangeshda. In the morning session, Sadguruji Dr. Mangeshda bestowed Kriya Yoga Level 3 diksha to selected disciples, followed by Kriya camp. The Mahasatsang celebrations started by rendition of beautiful Krishna bhajans and special dance programs by members of the Foundation's cultural wing. This followed by, a dance ballet depicting Kaliya Mardan was stunningly choreographed, earning a well-deserved round of applause for the entire team. This performance once again showcased the vast reservoir of talent within our Foundation. It was heart-warming to see Sadguruji Dr. Mangeshda being felicitated by our dedicated team of volunteers, who always work silently behind the scenes. A special mention goes to Mr. Stanley Fernandes and Mr. Joseph D’silva from the Interfaith Association, who attended and thoroughly enjoyed the program. The main highlight of the Mahasatsang was the Ashirvachan by Sadguruji Dr. Mangeshda. Sadguruji's ashirvachan was simply extraordinary. He touched on a wide range of topics during his speech—stories from the Mahabharat and the lessons they impart, the birth of Lord Krishna, Krishna’s divine relationship with Radha, the connection between Mahabharat and Kriya Yoga and much more. He announced that He would soon commence a Lecture Series on 30 pointers from the Mahabharat/Bhagwat. Among other insights, He discussed how the mind plays a crucial role in shaping one’s life, the importance of daily contemplation, the multifaceted personality of Lord Shrikrishna, the need to face fear with courage, how all religions teach humanity and the fact that the five elements never discriminate, but humans often do. Janmashtami celebrations always leaves a profound impact. They offer so much to reflect upon and re-affirm how fortunate we are to have dear Sadguruji Dr. Mangeshda as our Guru and Mentor. His generosity is boundless. He continues to give and give. Thank you and gratitude dear Sadguruji Kudos to all performers, backstage volunteers, Sandip Pandyaji as MC and all other volunteers.


Janmastami Mahasatsang 2024
