Eye Pledge Campaign - Vivekananda Mumbai Peace Marathon

Glimpses of the Eye Pledge We Pledge campaign, moving from 52 lakh pledges to 55 lakh pledges. Large number of members from Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Yoga Foundation, led by H.H. Sadguru Yogiraj Dr. Mangeshda, participated in the Vivekananda Mumbai Peace Marathon organized by Vivekananda Youth Connect Foundation on 3rd Feb 2019 at Juhu, Mumbai. Marathons were organized for three categories viz. 21 KM, 10 KM and 5KM. A 2 KM walkathon was also organized. Revered Sadguruji led our Foundation in this entire programme. Many dignitaries and social organisations participated in this marathon event. This marathon as well as our campaign got a huge response. It was indeed pleasure to see that the youth getting connected with the ideology of Swami Vivekanandji. It was also wonderful to see the overwhelming response to the much needed cause of Eye Pledging. Hearty Congratulations to Dr Rajesh Sarvadnya of Vivekananda Youth Connect Foundation for organizing this special event. Dr Sarvadnya acknowledged the efforts of Revered Sadguruji for our mammoth EYE PLEDGE campaign as well as for His contribution in the field of Yoga for more than 50 years. He also gave his best wishes for the ongoing campaign. Our campaign’s aim is to create awareness on eye donations and encourage more people to pledge their eyes.