Gokulastami Mahasatsang & Kriya Yoga Diksha

Gokulashtami is a very important landmark in the annals of Indian Mythology. The birth of Lord Krishna holds significant importance in the life of each and every practising Kriya Yogi in this world. As one tries to understand the knowledge in the eighteen chapters of the Holy Gita through the practice of Kriya Yoga....many births just pass by in assimilating all that is hidden in those chapters. In a way we can say that this knowledge was born never to die...Ever!
This year, ‘Krishna Janmashtami’ was on 5th September, Teachers’ Day. It was also the 7th anniversary of completion of Kailash –Manas Yatra by Sadguruji and his team. Naturally, for Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Yoga Foundation, it was an occasion for a Gala celebration.
In the morning, our Sadguruji, His Holiness Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshda, initiated a few selected aspirants into Kriya Yoga. The evening function at Mayors’ Hall, Andheri, started with melodious bhajans by Archana Mangalore, Ieshwarya Ganu, Sandip Pandya and Sandeep Yederi. The stage was set with a life-size captivating image of ShriKrishna playing his enchanting flute. For celebrating Janmashtami, on the altar, near Sadguruji’s photo, there was a small, beautifully decorated cradle with a cute little Baalkrishna. The whole ambience was of devotion and celebration.
Thereafter, there was a dance-drama scripted, directed and choreographed by our beloved Sadguruji and enacted by our own family members. Rajeev provided superb Technical support. The outcome was just fantastic! We all know, Sadguruji’s artistic skills make our each and every programme outstanding and unique. And every time it gets better and better!
The narrative started with the present day violence and chaos, leading the common man to question the very existence of God and how Shrikrishna asserts that He is very much there, witnessing- protecting the Good and destroying the Evil giving Salvation...and explains that ultimately, the only solution is Unconditional Love! In between some glimpses of Shrikrishna’s life were depicted.
The common man was enacted by Nilesh. In ‘Kalia Mardan’, our little star Shubham was ShriKrishna and Vaishali, the fabulously fierce Kalia. Her dance was superbly graceful! Raas Leela dance performances by Nivedita, Sujata, Dipanshu, Manali, Shivani, Simran and Archana were elegant! In ‘Krishna Bhakti’, little Mahima was ShriKrishna who danced with Meerabai, played beautifully by Hira; Surdas was played by Keshav and Narsi Mehta by Ramesh! In ‘breaking of Dahi Handi’ everybody danced with complete abandon as if their ‘Matki’(pot of ego) was really broken and the butter of knowledge started overflowing! The performers, from five year old to seventy-five year old, blended brilliantly!
A slide show of Kailash-Manas cleanliness Drive was shown concluding with oneness of Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna. Some of the participants (Rajeev & Sharda) shared how they have transformed after this Yatra. Thus the entire dance drama glided us through the whole gamut of present day violence....to glimpses of ShriKrishna’s life...... to Lord Krishna, the epitome of Pure Love and Bliss.....to Kailash-Manas Sarovar Yatra........to oneness of Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva! The entire audience was thoroughly captivated and enthralled. What a divine, enchanting, Masterstroke it was!!!
Now it was the time... everybody was eagerly waiting for...Sadguruji's Aashirvachan! He started the same by chanting "HATHI GHODA PALAKHI.... JAI KANHAIYYA LAL KI!" and it received a thunderous chorus. In Sadguruji’s Amritvani, He explained about the significance of figure 8! ShriKrishna, 8th child of Devaki, was born on the 8th day of the dark half of Shravan... kalachakra... ! He also mentioned about symbolism in Krishna Leela! The butter is knowledge, matki –pot is ego...unless ego is broken, butter of knowledge will not flow out...! Guru breaks this ego and leads the disciple to Eternal Knowledge...! The different characters in Mahabharata are within us...ShriKrishna is also within us...Gopis are the 72000 nadis within us. To realise ShriKrishna within us, we need to practise 8 principles described in Ashtang Yoga Sutras by Rishi Patanjali. In practice of last three principles – Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi ... dharana should be on the perception - internal experience e.g. it should not be on a flower but on the flower’s fragrance, which leads us inward. In Samadhi, the mind surrenders and merges...loses its existence. The Mahasatsang came to a pause with Sadguruji guiding all to the Mantrajaap “ShriKrishnam sharanam mam... ShriKrishnam sharanam mam... ShriKrishnam sharanam mam....”!
To sum it all ... a magnificent Magnum Opus...! Thanks to all the performers, on the stage & at back stage! You made us very proud! And for the Master - another chapter added in His book “Nothing is Impossible”... as He looks up to the new Dahi Handi and sets the new target for Himself!! We can all say with oneness "SADGURUJI SHARANAM MAM... SADGURUJI SHARANAM MAM...