Gokulastami Mahasatsang and Kriya Yoga Diksha (Level 1)

The Mahasatsang started with soulful and melodious bhajans sung by various Kriyabans. There were a variety of bhajans sung and the audience enjoyed every bit of it. This was followed by a mesmerizing musical ballet on Krishna Leela. The entire ballet was brilliantly composed and choreographed by H.H. Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshda. Performance by our budding child stars, Shubham and Mahima, was the star attraction. The entire team did an excellent job. After the ballet, came the moment which everyone was eagerly awaiting for. Sadguruji's satsang/discourse. Sadguruji in his discourse, explained the deeper meaning behind the Mahabharata war and the message it conveys. Sadguruji also explained how one should choose the right traits thus removing the veil of ignorance and experiencing the "Makhan" as depicted in folklore by Krishna breaking the "handi" and consuming "makhan/butter".
Our humble gratitude to our Sadguruji for all the pain taken in the creation of the ballet and giving opportunities to perform on stage and always finding out ways to guide us on the path of wisdom.
The entire program was streamed live on Facebook for the benefit of all Foundation members across the globe.