Intense Residential Vipassana Camp

The much awaited residential intense Vipassana camp was conducted by H.H. Sadguru Yogiraj Dr. Mangeshda in the serene environment of the Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Villa (near Khopoli), away from the hustle bustle of daily life. The participants experienced a complete detox of their mind with the Vipassana techniques taught by Sadguruji.
Vipassana is the base for the practice of Kriya yoga. Intense sessions accompanied by walking meditations, satvic food, pure air and the Master's constant guidance led into some amazing experiences for the participants. The sharings from all indicated that this year it was more intense. After the great success of this session, the Foundation requests Sadguruji to conduct the sessions Bi- Annually.
Snippets of sharings from some of the participants:
"I am one of the Lucky to attend all the four Vipasana sessions conducted by Sadguruji. This session was the Best of All. The energy level was very high. The techniques taught we're unique and easy to remember and do in practical life."
- Haresh Tekchandani.
"Sadguruji took care of all 47 participants though he didn't sleep a wink. For the first time we had some sessions in nature, experience was amazing. This time for me Vipassana was a surgical strike within to kill my hidden enemies like laziness, ego, fear etc....I still have to fight very hard to gain victory and Iam positive I will."
- Sujata Bangera.
"While not speaking was not an issue, you steadied the violent storms in the minds of all participants. Without this I would have not been able to even to effectively participate. then with the powerful techniques of kriya vipassana we were relentless guided,pushed,motivated over 5 days to detox our body and mind conditioning and experience divine bliss."
- Rameshraj Maddu
"My Vipassana experience was very enriching. It has made me realize that Ego is one of the greatest barriers towards our own spiritual progress. So much of mindfulness. Toxins released from our body and intense Divine Vipassana techniques are making me feel a whole new different self. Hope that in our day to day life we abide and adhere to Your teachings."
- Vinita Tamphal
"I'm fortunate to attend this Vipassana camp. This camp showed me real peace. Even though I slept for only 4 or 5 hours, it was enough for me to carry myself throughout the day, full of energy. I got the experiences of higher level. I forgot my own body and distractions."
- Jitendra Kore
"As always, Sadguruji's every event creates a new milestone. This intense Vipassana session conducted by Sadguruji was one of the such milestone with respect to the intensity, Sadguruji's teaching content and to add on the dedication from all participants. This took session at so high level that I never have seen or experienced before."
- Vishwaprakash Medge
"The entire camp was indeed an AMRUT manthan of thoughts and detox of the mind. Having done 2 earlier sessions, without doubt I can say that this was the MOST intense and revealing."
- Sandeep Yederi