How to conquer laziness
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda gives a practical tip to conquer laziness
The moral of spirituality
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr. Mangeshda explains the moral of spirituality
Self-motivation vs self-cheating
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda explains how one can get self-motivated towards spiritual practice.
A Sadhakak's qualities
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda describes the qualities of a good sadhak and how to become a good sadhak.
Analyze the lesson! not the Guru
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda narrates his experiences with his master the legendary Mahavataar Babaji and the difference between attraction of spirituality and actually practicing it.
Sound of one hand clap
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda narrates an old Japanese story of a disciple who is told by his master listen to the sound of a one hand clap
The path of Kriya Yoga
Concept of God vs Practicing Spirituality
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda explains the concept of God and Godliness and how the path of Kriya Yoga leads towards it.
Scripting a successful life story
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda explains the importance of living life positively, developing a third-person view to events in life and receiving Guru's grace to script a successful life-story.
Do this to work on your Ego
You have no choice!
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda explains a practical approach to work on ones ego.
What are 8 siddhi's
How can anyone achieve them?
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda explains what ashta-siddhis (super natural powers) are and how everyone has the capacity to practically experience and achieve them via meditation.
Supercharge your energy with Kriya Yoga
You will be able to face any problem
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda explains why it is important to increase our energy levels via regulated Kriya Yoga breathing technique.
Practice this to reach a finer level
In your Kriya Yoga practice
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda explains an important aspect of refining the practice of Kriya Yoga to reach the highest level.
Repair your brain with Kriya Yoga Sadhana
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda explains why the brain gets damaged and how to repair the damage with the help of Kriya Yoga.
Open the door to the infinite world with Kriya Yoga
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda explains how one can open a door within and experience the infinite by practicing Kriya Yoga.
Kriya Yoga - A process to master your breath
In this video Sadguru Yogiraj Dr.Mangeshda explains the process of achieving mastery over the breath with the help of Kriya Yoga.
The technique of searching for silence in the noise within
How to overcome noise and disturbances while doing your sadhana