"The Awakening"
Foundation's annual magazine distributed through the foundation's centers worldwide including the US, UK, Australia, and the Middle East.

A broad range of articles
"The Awakening" is published in English and also includes articles in Hindi and in Marathi for readers based in India.
Articles in the magazine demystify the various aspects of Kriya Yoga. The magazine also contains articles and information on important and enduring topics of spirituality, Yoga, health, lifestyle, and science.
Annual Issues

25th Anniversary Issue
Message from Sadguruji
Hari Om! Amidst the fervour and vibrancy of Dasara-Diwali, the Foundation celebrates its 30th Anniversary! The highlight of this moment is the release of 25th Annual Issue of Foundation's magazine 'The Awakening!'. On September 5, 1998, in Austin, USA, I released the first edition of this publication. Looking back at 25 years today fills my heart with joy. The enthusiastic responses from thousands around the world, their appreciative recognition and the excellence in literary value... all contribute to the international accolade received by the magazine. Credit for all this goes to my editorial team! Their dedication deserves ample praise. Congratulations to my designers, production controllers, advertisers, contributors and all writers and poets! As we step into the 30th year, reflecting on the grand celebration, the audit of life – 'Earnings‐Losses' seems less significant THE AWAKENING! compared to 'Connections' made. Some moments bring immense joy, while others serve as a tonic for the years to come. Not every experience is as pleasant as it seems, but striving to turn negative moments into sources of light is the essence of living.

24th Anniversary Issue
Message from Sadguruji
Hari Om! We began the year 2022 with a fresh new breath after fighting valiantly with Covid. The masks covering our noses have gone. Though the pandemic has receded after taking thousands of lives, it has not bid final goodbye yet. In the dragon's country, its other variants have raised their head. Still, we all have started enjoying freedom from the last two and a half years' financial crunch, suffocation, lockdown restrictions... Celebrations of festivals have started in full swing. People have started crowding for shopping. They have started meeting each other. In all this one thing is certain. People have understood the value of life.

23rd Anniversary Issue
Message from Sadguruji
Hari Om! Congratulations to all the people…the entire mankind trapped in the clutches of ‘Covid 19’ spread worldwide, for facing the pandemic slowly yet courageously! I respectfully salute all my brothers and sisters who are fighting the pandemic by increasing their immunity, following mostly the laid down rules and changing their lifestyle!! Covid has not gone completely; its nuisance will continue; mutants of this virus with different names and symptoms will continue to come. And that is why, if everybody, by understanding one’s responsibility protects oneself, one’s family, one’s society and one’s country, then automatically this pandemic will banish permanently from the World.

22nd Anniversary Issue
Message from Sadguruji
Hari Om! Years may come and years may go. But last year’s change brought an altogether different experience. Nobody would have expected that the New Year arriving after 2019 would bring separation for all, from one another. Separation from each other of all the people from the Entire World...country, state, village...with faces covered with masks... this experience turned out to be most traumatic. The impact of Covid 19 will be remembered by people for several centuries. The dread amongst the billions of people in the world, death of millions at a time, the war against Covid by doctors, nurses, scientists and law enforcing agencies like police force not bothering for their own life! Everything came to a standstill! Schools, colleges, offices, all types of traffic, day today transactions.... everything ‘closed’!!